First impression and comments

Discussions related to game Triplex

Модератор: TriplexQuad

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First impression and comments

Сообщение TriplexQuad » 30 мар 2012, 16:12

Have you already tried to play Triplex? Feel free to write your comments here. Either positive or negative.
Сообщений: 18
Зарегистрирован: 19 фев 2012, 00:45

Re: First impression and comments

Сообщение plw-games » 19 янв 2014, 06:31

I just wanted to thank you for your work and tell you I appreciate you making it available.

I don't know if you are interested in puzzles in general, but if you are, have a look at the Android game "Push the Box" by salman. There are two games in the app store called "Push the Box", the one involving pigs is NOT the one you want.

The game by salman has only one mechanic, pushing boxes with pistons, and you are asked to place the boxes in the correct spots as in Sokoban. However, the puzzles can be surprisingly deep for just the one mechanic.
Сообщений: 1
Зарегистрирован: 19 янв 2014, 06:25

Re: First impression and comments

Сообщение pmitsos » 10 июл 2016, 19:54

I would have voted "Like" for Triplex. However, because I have been stuck at Level 147 for a week, and because you don't offer solutions, and, because I am convinced there IS NO solution for Level #147, I voted "Dislike" toward this game.
Сообщений: 7
Зарегистрирован: 19 июн 2016, 11:01

Re: First impression and comments

Сообщение TriplexQuad » 14 июл 2016, 00:23

pmitsos писал(а):I would have voted "Like" for Triplex. However, because I have been stuck at Level 147 for a week, and because you don't offer solutions, and, because I am convinced there IS NO solution for Level #147, I voted "Dislike" toward this game.

Please send your screenshot. This way I can check if the game is broken on your side.
Сообщений: 18
Зарегистрирован: 19 фев 2012, 00:45

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